
Mobile Website Matters More

Your mobile version of your website now matters more than your desktop version.  In 2018, Google made a major shift in how they SEO rank your website.  They moved to a mobile-first indexing.  This means that they use your mobile version of your website to rank it in your search results.  This change makes sense because more than 50% of traffic worldwide is from mobile devices.

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What does this mean for SEO?

With this move by Google, it puts emphasis on having a website that has a responsive design.  This means that the design of your website looks good and loads quickly on any type of device that it is viewed on.

What should I do with my Current Website?

If your website is already setup as a responsive site, you may not need to do anything.  Something you will want to check however is your website’s load time and speed.  A great free resource for doing that is PageSpeed Insights.  You will also want to ensure that your images are properly sized to ensure their load speed is efficient also.  If you are just setting up your website, it would be advantageous to use a theme that is mobile friendly.  This will assist you in getting your website ready for the mobile user as well as assist in your SEO ranking.

If you are unsure what to do or need assistance, but sure to get in touch with me and I would be pleased to assist you.

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