
What is Visual Branding?

Visual branding is influential for your company.  There are two absolutely important elements when building a brand that’s remembered, referred, and respected.  Those two elements are clarity and consistency.


When you are clear about your mission, your audience, what sets your apart, and why you are the best, the marketing activities become effortless.  On top of that, you will get more referrals because your audience better understands you and what you are about.


When you use the same colors, typography, imagery, and message across all marketing channels, you build trust, credibility, and reliability for your brand.  When a company changes their messaging and visual imagery, a brand loses traction in the market.


Visual Branding

It Matters

Visual imagery is proven to get more attention, increase audience involvement, and enhance social sharing.  Here are some facts that back that up:

  1. Content that includes imagery gets 94% more views
  2. Including images in blog posts will get 35% more shares
  3. 66% of all social media posts include visuals
  4. For every 350 words in an article, one image should accompany them

Because millions of images are shared amongst social media and blog posts every day, it is important to include some important visual branding practices.

Five Ways to Implement

  1. Add a logo or icon
  2. Use brand colors
  3. Use consistent typography
  4. Add color overlay
  5. Create templates

Visually branding your media and content is vitally important.  Giving attention to these important aspects can greatly affect how prospects view your brand. 

If you have questions about visual branding or would like help establishing it, get in touch with me and I would be pleased to assist you along this path.

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